Website Tip #3 - Answer The Question, “Can You Help Me?”

Website visitors are looking for an answer to the question, “can you help me” in the first five seconds of landing on your website. On most therapists’ websites, it takes about 5 minutes for people to find the answer to that question. Here’s how to quickly answer that question using a tagline. A tagline is the 2-3 words that go beneath your logo and quickly tell people who you help. Watch the video to learn how to get yours just right.

Hunter Davis

Hunter is the Therapist Marketing Coach here at Thrilled Therapist. He’s on a mission to take the frustration and confusion out of marketing a private practice so therapists can get paid what they're worth, have time for their own self-care, and help more of their clients experience major breakthroughs.

Want his advice and feedback on your marketing? Click here to schedule a free Marketing Consultation call with him.


Website Tip #4 - Choose The Right Photos


Website Tip #2 - How To Get Your Headline Right